Chahar Shipping is a third party Flag State Agent for numbers of Various Flag State for ship owner, Ship Managers and seafarers who wish to apply flag state Certificate of Endorsement ( COE ), Certificate of Competency (COC), Watch-keeping Cert . for Deck & Engine Ratings, Seaman Identity Book/or discharge book (CDC/ SIRB). Most of flag state issue Certificate Receipt of Application (CRA) upon submitted complete application. Normally (CRA) is valid for (3) months and perhaps it would design for seafarer to embark/ join a ship without delaying during process/verification of seafarer national COC with its issuer before issued permanent (COE) of flag state. Each flag state has different requirement subject to type of ship, applicant rank and cargo operations.
We process below Flag State Documents:
1. Liberia
2. Belize
3. Panama
4. Marshal Islands